Welcome to the Farm


For most Kiwis, farms are part of our DNA.

We’ve either grown up on one, spent time on one or at the very least admired the green rolling hills on trips out of the city.

There’s something deeply satisfying about standing on the ground, looking out over the fields, and seeing the handiwork of nature.

How often are you able to drive up a farmers driveway, have a wander through their paddocks, and learn about what they do?

In our minds, this experience is the key to unlocking the wonderful world of Auld whisky.

We love curious whisky lovers who are brought together by their shared appreciation for something unique and distinct. By welcoming groups to our farm, they get to see first hand where the magic happens. When nature and hard work combine.

There’s something special about standing on the land, looking out to see where the grain is grown. It germinates an emotional connection to the land and the Auld story.

When you arrive on our farm, we’ll talk you through our family history, how we grow our grain and what we’ve been innovating over the last few years.

Understanding the flavour of a whisky isn’t just about what grain and wood you use, so you’ll stop off at the distillery to chat about the different stages of our process that create the Auld Farm whisky taste.

Then comes the fun part.

We’ll let you sample our different types of grain, with a focus on our new make single-paddock, single-malt barley.

Our grain has a lot of distinct flavours influenced by our terroir. These will change from vintage to vintage but the cask adds subtlety, rounded flavour and hue.

Our guests who are interested in becoming part of our family of cask owners have four options.

The ex-bourbon cask – for those who like vanilla, honey, caramel, nutmeg, and almond flavours.

The ex-port, which transports you to a fresh spring day with hints of plum, blackberries, sultanas, dark chocolate, and dried apple.

Our ex-sherry cask is that post-Christmas lunch tipple, subtly bringing out the richness of raisins, cherries, cinnamon, ginger, and fruit cake.

Finally, our ex-pinot, which blends in a love of wine with an infusion of raspberry, strawberry, oak, and that classic earthy flavour.

Getting to taste and chat through these options gives each person a chance to distinguish the differences between each flavour and what spirit they’re ultimately looking to finish with.

Once they’ve made a decision, it’s time to fill!

Filling your own cask is one of the most important parts of the Auld Farm whisky experience. 

It’s a special moment to watch the spirit pouring into your chosen barrel where it will then sleep for 5 or 10 years until it’s ready to savour.

By understanding more about how the grain travels from seed-to-sip, you become part of the Auld Farm story because it’s your story too.


Join this journey with us, secure your Foundation Harvest Cask now. Get in touch to find out how.

Harvest CaskRobert Auld